Frequently asked questions
Questions about the company
When was the company founded and established?
The company was originally founded in 1663 and established as a stock company in March 1916. Please refer to the "History" section of this website for more details.
What are the Moriroku Group's main businesses?
Please refer to the "Facts about Moriroku" section of this website for information about the Group's businesses. You can also refer to the websites of Moriroku Technology and Moriroku Chemicals.
I would like information about the Moriroku Group's environmental activities.
Please refer to the Environmental initiatives section of this website for information.
I would like to know about the Moriroku Group's quality assurance and safety-related initiatives.
Please refer to the "Quality and safety initiatives" website in the "Sustainability" section of this website for information.
Please tell me about the Moriroku Group's corporate governance.
Please refer to the "Corporate governance" website in the "Sustainability" section of this website for information.
Questions about financial results
When is the company's fiscal year?
Moriroku Holdings' fiscal year is from April 1 to March 31.
When does Moriroku Holdings announce its financial results?
Please refer to the "IR calender" shown on the "Investor Relations" webpage for the timing of announcements.
Please tell me about the company's latest financial results.
Please refer to the "Financial highlights" webpage in the "Investors" section of this website for the latest financial results.
Questions about stock
What stock exchange is Moriroku Holdings listed on?
Moriroku Holdings is listed on the Prime Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
What is Moriroku Holdings' stock code?
The company's stock code is 4249.
What is the trading unit of Moriroku Holdings' shares?
The trading unit is 100 shares.
I would like information about dividends.
Please refer to the "Stock-related information" webpage in the "Investor Relations" section of this website for information about dividends.
Does Moriroku Holdings have a shareholder benefits program?
The company does not have a shareholder benefits program.
Please tell me about what procedures I need to follow as a shareholder.
Please refer to the "Stock-related information" webpage in the "Investor Relations" section of this website for information about dividends.
When is the general meeting of shareholders held?
The meeting is held every year in June.
For more details, please refer to the "General meetings of shareholders" webpage in the "Investors" section of this website.
How do I exercise my voting rights at the general meeting of shareholders?
We send a notice of convocation of the general meeting of shareholders and a voting form to all shareholders with voting rights recorded in our shareholder list as of the end of the record date for such meeting (March 31 of each year). Voting rights may be exercised by either of the following methods.
- by attending the meeting with the voting form.
- by indicating your approval or disapproval on the voting form and returning it to us.
- by accessing the website for exercising voting rights on the Internet and voting for or against the proposal.
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