We aim to realize a sustainable society by reducing the burden on the environment through our business and doing our part for the community.
Sustainability management
EnvironmentReducing our environmental footprint
As one of the corporate groups that help make up society, the Moriroku Group recognizes environmental problems as the issues that will most gravely impact the next and subsequent generations, not just our own. In addition to engaging in activities to reduce our environmental footprint with established targets and objectives in all of our business domains, we use efforts such as education and PR activities to improve the environmental awareness of all of our employees, and aggressively take part in local environmental activities. In doing so, we strive to win a high level of trust from society.
SocialCommunity engagement
As a sound corporate citizen, the Moriroku Group carries out corporate activities rooted in local communities and promotes social contribution activities that sustain the creation of an enriched society.
Community engagement
Quality and safety initiatives
Commitment to human resources
CSR procurement initiatives
GovernanceImproving management transparency
With a view to continuously increase the Moriroku Group's corporate value over the medium and long terms, management aims to ensure transparency, impartialness, and timeliness in decision-making while fulfilling the Group's social responsibilities through dialogues with all types of stakeholders, including customers, business partners, employees, local communities, and shareholders.