As a responsible corporate citizen, we engage in corporate activities that are firmly rooted in local communities and promote social contribution activities that support the creation of a prosperous society.
- Diversity & Inclusion With D&I as one of the nine key sustainability issues, we are working to create a workplace where diverse human resources can play an active role throughout the company.
- Human resources Learn about the careers we envision at Moriroku, creating a comfortable work environment, and our personnel data.
- Human Rights Introduction of the Moriroku Group Human Rights Policy.
- Occupational safety and health We are developing safety and health activities based on the "Basic Safety and Health Policy.
- Quality and safety initiatives We provide quality products and services to satisfy our customers.
- CSR procurement initiatives We promote sustainable procurement throughout our supply chain.
- Community contribution We are actively involved in activities that contribute to the local community and aim to earn the trust of society.