Message from Human Resources Director
The strengths of the Moriroku Group are the trust we have built up over our long history, our ability to respond to change, and our deep knowledge of manufacturing and chemistry. We believe that the history of value creation we have accumulated in Japan and overseas over the 360 years since our founding, and the way the Moriroku Group is today, are proof that we have put our management philosophy into practice.
For us, the “now” is always just a passing point. The Moriroku Group is not caught up in the past or content with the status quo, but is looking ahead to the 400th anniversary of its founding and beyond. That is why we aim to be a company that continues to attract people who are willing to take on the challenge of the unknown, and who are eager to communicate with their colleagues and customers to stay ahead of the times. We are working to develop human resources and create a workplace based on the idea that both people and organizations can grow by maximizing the independence and creativity of our diverse workforce. We would be delighted if we could build the future of Moriroku Group together with you.
We will work with you earnestly, hoping that everyone who is about to enter the real world will think to themselves, “I'm glad I met Moriroku.”
We look forward meeting with you.
Naoki Morikawa
Human Resources and General Affairs
Executive Officer
Moriroku Holdings Co., Ltd.