To all individual investors
In order for individual investors to gain a deeper understanding of the Moriroku Group, we will present an easy-to-understand overview of the Group, its strengths and growth strategies.
What is the Moriroku Group?
We will introduce the history of Moriroku Group and the two businesses it operates.
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What are the strengths of the company’s Resin-Treated Products Business?
We will introduce our strengths as a manufacturer handling plastic molded parts for automobiles.
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What are the strengths of the company’s Chemicals Business?
We will introduce our strengths as a chemical trading company with a wide range of business areas.
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What is the business performance and shareholder returns?
We will introduce our business performance, financial base, and shareholder returns.
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What is the company’s growth strategy?
We will introduce the mid-term management plan of Moriroku Group.
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