Moriroku - 360 years of Innovation
Synergy towards the Future

Here's what Moriroku sees for the future.
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Moriroku is Japan's one of the oldest chemical specialty business group, dating back to the Edo period. Currently, it is a company with a long history that ranks among the top 10 listed companies on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Starting with the indigo jade business, the company expanded into various fields such as fertilizers, synthetic resins, paints, and pharmaceuticals. The sixth generation Mori Rokubei started business in the Kanto region and began to name "Moriroku." Currently, we operate in 61 locations in 14 countries around the world. We meet the needs of customers around the world.

On this page, we delve into Moriroku's story from various angles, including current topics, business strategies, and environmentally friendly products and services, and introduce what kind of vision he has for the future. I will.

Facts about Moriroku

Since its establishment in 1663, the Moriroku Group has been supported by the trust of its many customers and business partners, and its 360-year history is proof that it has always anticipated and proposed to the needs of the times and has continued to be a company that is needed by society.Today, we are a manufacturing of resin molded parts and a chemical trading company with a wide range of business domains, working together on a global scale to offer high value-added solutions to meet the needs of customers around the world.

Moriroku Holdings Company, Ltd.

A holding company that manages the group

  • Moriroku Technology Company, Ltd.

    Resin-treated product businessAuto parts “manufacturing” function

    Business Details
    Exterior parts
    Interior parts
  • Moriroku Chemicals Company, Ltd.

    Chemical business“Trading company” function in the chemical field

    Business Details

    Synthetic resin/ Functional material/ Exterior parts for motorcycles/ LED material/ Heat dissipation material/ Semiconductor process material

    Fine Chemicals

    Pharmaceutical and agrochemical intermediates/ Cosmetic ingredients/ Functional materials/ Paint ingredients/ Adhesives and sealants/ Surfactants

    Life Sciences

    Synthetic Resins / Films and Sheets / Housing Materials / Oil Adsorbents

    テキスト画像:多層フィルム製造・販売、低温粉砕、有機・無機合成、臭素化合物の受託製造、押出 形成品、自動車用内外装部品、自動二輪外装

    Develop and provide high-performance materials that meet our customers' needs.

Moriroku in figuresDeciphering Moriroku's Characteristics from the Numbers

All figures are as of March, 2024
  • 360years

    Among companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Moriroku Holdings is ranked among the top 10 companies having the longest history.

  • Manufacturing & Trading2businesses

    Under a holding company framework, the Moriroku Group is led by two operating companies: Moriroku Technology Company, Ltd., a manufacturer and seller of synthetic resin products, and Moriroku Chemicals Company, Ltd., a trading firm handling a wide range of goods.

  • Worldwide Operations14locations in61countries

    The Moriroku Group promptly responds to the needs of local customers in 14 countries from 61 locations, including R&D centers, manufacturing plants, sales branches and offices.

  • Group-Wide Workforceapprox.4,500employees

    Worldwide, the Moriroku Group is made up of about 4,300 employees with diverse skills and talents.

  • Annual Salesapprox.¥145billion

    Performance is driven by resin molded parts for automobile manufacturers and products handled in the fine chemical field.​

  • Sales Outside Japanapprox.70%of total sales

    Around 70% of consolidated net sales now come from outside Japan following decades of the Moriroku Group's expansion into North America and Asia.