Message from the President

  • Image:Create Moriroku's Proprietary Value with “Progressive Spirit” and Aim for Sustainable Growth Naoki Kurose​ President Moriroku Holdings Company, Ltd.

Pursuing Sustainability for Society and Moriroku

The Moriroku Group has set “Enhancing Management Resilience through the Promotion of Sustainability Activities” as a core strategy of its 13th Mid-Term Management Plan and has been promoting this initiative. With regard to the reduction of environmental impact, which represents as a major activity, our goal is to reduce CO2 emissions for the entire Group by 50% from the fiscal 2019 level. To achieve this goal, we are implementing measures tailored to the conditions of each region and site, such as energy conservation and the introduction of renewable energy. Our group’s manufacturing facilities worldwide consume significant amount of electricity and water. As a company with deep roots in the community, we are committed to address environmental issues and will continue to make steady efforts in this regard.

Our key sustainability issues (materiality), by mobilizing the resources of the entire group. For example, initiatives to promote the recycling of scrap materials, utilize recycled materials, and develop resins that reduce the ratio of petroleum-derived raw materials are based on the distinctive capabilities of the group. This integration combines the “resin compounding knowledge” accumulated by Moriroku Chemicals with the “production know-how for mass production” accumulated by Moriroku Technology. We will enhance these solutions to offer new value to customers in Japan and overseas, thereby achieving sustainable business growth.

Furthermore, I place particular emphasis on initiatives related to human resources. The ability of our employees to take the initiative and play an active role is essential to the realize our management philosophy: “We will collaborate with our partners to create high-value solutions through creative use of superior technology, anticipating future needs and contributing to global society in the long term.” In addition to promoting measures to improve employee engagement, we also focus on promoting diversity and inclusion. In addition, we have positioned the development of global human resources as a key priority, and we intend to share with all employees a mindset that encourages all employees to take initiative in making decisions and taking on challenges, transcending the boundaries of job types and attributes, including the active promotion of national staff to management positions.

Through these efforts, the Moriroku Group will establish a competitive advantage and achieve both the realization of a sustainable society and long-term corporate growth.